About Qvist Search
We are always ready with all our competences. Call and have a chat about your needs, and together we find the optimal solution for you.
We create true values for both clients and candidates because we dedicate ourselves to our values
Our approach
- We always use our combined knowledge and experience to solve the tasks and to find the right candidate.
- Here, we always provide objective advice on method selection for the individual task.
- We deliver the professional process that creates security through honest and direct communication.
- We are drawn by complexities – whether it is board members, top managers, function managers or specialists. We are always looking for the unique and find an exciting match for the positions we fill.
Vi bekymre os ikke om at have den største markedsandel, vi dedikerer os til at levere den bedste værdi.
Companies should find security in the fact that we have knowledge of exactly their industry and challenges.
Vi har en særlig personlig interesse i Tech-verdenen.
Vi siger ikke at vi kan – vi gør det.
We are always ready with all our competences. Call and have a chat about your needs, and together we find the optimal solution for you.
Flemming Qvist
CEO & Partner
Flemming er uddannet MSc. Produktions Ingeniør og så vidt vi ved, den eneste Headhunter i Danmark med en Ingeniør-faglig baggrund. Han startede sin karriere hos IBM og har siden da arbejdet videre indenfor IT, hvorefter han fandt ud af, at Headhunting var hans kald. Flemming har uddannet mange af landets rekrutteringskonsulenter, og har siddet som CEO i København, og har siden 2003 haft sit eget firma, Qvist Search.
Katrine Trudslev
Head of Search
Katrine has an MA International Business Communication (Eng), and high competence within stakeholder action. At QS, she helps to carefully select and contact the right candidates for the positions we fill. At the same time, she has an overall coordinator role for the entire company and keeps track of all incoming and outgoing tasks. Katrine always values high professionalism as much as high level of service.
Alexander Baunsgaard
Alexander har en MA i Læring og Forandringsprocesser, og besidder solide kompetencer inden for strategi, HR og rekruttering. Hos Qvist Search driver han hele spektret af Executive Search-processen, lige fra virksomhedskontakt og bagvedliggende administration til kandidatscreening og interviews. Alexander er kendt for sin grundighed i arbejdet med at finde det perfekte match, og demonstrerer en høj forståelse og empati over for både kandidater og virksomheders behov.
Bente Lindgren
Bente comes with broad experience from management, sales and service. She has, among other things, a diploma in Management and HR. Bente helps to always deliver value-creating solutions to our clients and candidates. This is ensured by her putting human resources at the center, where dialogue, cooperation and sparring are key words.
Contact us
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In such confidential work as recruitment, it is sometimes difficult to get opinions on our work; here are a few recent comments from both clients and candidates who we both consider equally important clients with us.
Qvist Search has strong experience with Executive Search for top management, middle management and specialists - especially for industrial companies with their own production.
They have a deep understanding of the company's current strategy focus, including an understanding of the company's cultural changes in connection with the organisation's phase change, for example in connection with a change of ownership/generational change. This insight gives Qvist Search a strong foundation for preparing a detailed job profile description that uncovers the company's recruitment needs.
They are able to match the candidate to the job profile description based on a thorough investigation of the personal profile as well as interviews to clarify the candidate's development potential and motivation for the job match.
The recruitment process with Qvist Search was the most professional process I have experienced, security was held up through honest and direct communication.
Flemming Qvist has built a solid foundation to ensure an optimal match between company and candidate.